

Kane, M. E., Crandell, H. A., & Kim, B. (2022). Reflection and reflexivity in I-O psychology: A graduate student’s perspective. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Selected Works In Progress

Locklear, L.R., Kane, M. E., & Ehrhart, M.G. The Benefits of Grateful Leaders and Attentive Followers: How Cascading Gratitude Expressions Influence Coworker Relationships. Preparing for submission to Journal of Applied Psychology.

Kane, M. E., Gupta, A., Locklear, L. R., & Ehrhart, M. G. Thankful at work, thankful at home: How workplace gratitude strengthens personal relationships via spillover and crossover. Preparing for submission to Personnel Psychology.

Kane, M. E., Locklear, L. R., & Ehrhart, M. G. [Expectancy Violations of Workplace Gratitude Expressions]. Preparing manuscript for submission to Journal of Positive Psychology.

Kane, M. E., Suh, H., Locklear, L.R., Sheridan, S.B., & Ehrhart, M.G. [Meta-Analysis of Workplace Gratitude]. Coding data. To be submitted to Journal of Applied Psychology.

Kane, M. E., Locklear, L. R., Ehrhart, M. G., & Rubenstein, A. [Newcomer Workplace Gratitude]. Preparing for data collection.